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What is The 90/10 Rule for Schools?

Published by Ryan Ward
Statue of blind justice holding scales
In the realm of for-profit education, a critical principle known as the 90/10 rule has emerged. This rule proposes that for-profit schools should allocate no more than 90% of their revenue from federal financial aid programs, such as student loans, while the remaining 10% should be derived from o... Read More

The Advantages of Cloud-Based Student Information Software

Published by Ryan Ward
Two people coding a software solution
The advent of technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, including education. Traditional methods of managing student information, such as paper-based systems, have become outdated and cumbersome. In recent years, educational institutions have increasingly turned to ... Read More

Best Practices for Student Information Softwares

Published by Ryan Ward
University campus photograph
Student Information Software (SIS) has revolutionized the way educational institutions manage student data. SIS offers a comprehensive platform for schools and universities to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and improve student outcomes. However, implementing a... Read More